Uşak Archaeology Museum


Uşak Archaeology Museum

        The new archaeology museum is comprised of three floors. On the first floor, chronological displays feature archaeological artifacts found within the boundaries of Uşak. The mezzanine floor, designated as the second floor, provides information about the history of currency and money, considering the specific characteristics of the region. The third floor of the new museum is entirely dedicated to the Lydia Period and the treasures of Croesus. In this section, examples of daily life during the Lydia Period, burial customs, and the treasures of Croesus are exhibited in accordance with the tumuli where they were found. The last section of the museum is the ethnography department in terms of exhibition. This area reflects traces of Uşak's ethnographic culture with examples from recent history. Alongside demonstrations such as weaving and javelin throwing, a scaled-down replica of Uşak Ulucami (Grand Mosque) is also displayed. Additionally, in our new museum building, there is an educational area for children, as well as a foyer space and a conference hall. Furthermore, a library with specialized books is also available.


T.C. Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı "Uşak Kültür ve Turizm İl Müdürlüğü" Erişim: 13 Aralık 2023, https://usak.ktb.gov.tr/TR-202611/fotograf-galeri.html